About City

Welcome to City of Ampled

The City Of Ampled is home to a large and diverse 20-35-year-old population. City Of Ampled is the City’s initiative that aims to empower Generation Z and the millennial generation to play a greater role in planning for the future of our city. For more information and the full Ampled recruitment schedule, please visit the Ampled website

Our History

The City of Ampled was incorporated by an act of the General Assembly on December 17, 1898, on some 250 acres. It was originally known as Ampled. During the early years of industrialization, many communities “sprung up” around major resting areas for trains and their passengers- known as Depots. As a result, many small towns were established along the rail lines and received their names from prominent railroad officials.

low angle photography of building

Our Future

All of these local business resources and the expansive beauty of our local natural resources- make the City of Ampled an ideal location for new business investments from the manufacturing and industrial sectors. More importantly, whether you’re an American-based operation or an international corporation, the City of Ampled will make a great home for your new Corporate Headquarters. The City of City of Ampled takes pride in being “The Hub of Development.”

The City of Ampled is committed to planning for the future. By understanding where we have been and knowing where we are today we can ensure a better future for the next generation. In 2007, the City of Ampled began efforts to develop its Comprehensive Plan and to this day, continues to update it as the city develops. This document provides three key planning elements: A Community Assessment with supporting data, a Community Participation Plan, and a Community Agenda. The Assessment provides an overview of current conditions in the city and identifies key challenges being faced by our community.

gray conveyor between glass frames at nighttime

Our Mission

The City of Ampled’s mission is to provide the City’s residents, visitors, and businesses with safe and reliable water while ensuring the long-term viability of the City’s water services for its users.  

Our Values

We foster customer confidence through integrity, honesty, sincerity, and transparency in all our communications and work to educate our customers, community partners, and employees on the issues pertinent to responsible water resources management. We are committed to community visibility and the education of the public.


To manage our organization and water resources to meet evolving regulatory requirements, water supply needs, and customer expectations in the future.

City of Ampled © 2024