Police Department

grayscale photo of Police standing and leaning on wall

This Department has the duty and power to enforce the penal divisions on the City Charter, the ordinances of the City, and the laws of the state and the nation for protecting persons, property, and for preservation of the peace of the community. To these ends, the department engages in patrol, prevention of crime, investigation of reported crimes, apprehension of suspects, the gathering and presentation of evidence, the detention of unarranged persons, the regulation of traffic, the investigation of traffic accidents, the custody of property, and such staff services as are necessary to engage in these activities. In addition, it investigates and regulates solicitations for charitable projects, grants, and endorsements to qualified charitable agencies, and determines the eligibility of charitable organizations for exemption from payment of license and permit fees. It also investigates applicants, issues licenses, and regulates the conduct of bingo games in the City.

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